Friday, February 20, 2009

The #1 Internet Marketing Mistake Almost Everyone Makes

If there is one overall mistake almost every single Internet marketer makes -- even after years of experience and success -- it's this:

They spend all their time getting new customers, clients and leads...and put off going back to their existing list.

It's absolutely true.

Most people never follow up and sell their existing customers anything else. Or if they do, it's one or two times and then that's it.

Heck, even the late marketing genius Joe Karbo threw out the names of his customers.

And Im as guilty as anyone.

I think the reason for this is because were programmed to go after new business, new business, new business.

But if you want to multiply your sales quickly and easily, without spending any money on new advertising and marketing, just go after your existing customers.

The people who already know, like and trust you. The people who are most likely to buy from you anyway, because you have that relationship with them. You have that bond. They have bought from you in the past and are happy with what you sent, and may want more.

Sometimes a lot more.

But you'll never know unless you send them an offer. You'll never know unless you draft a simple email and blast it to your list every now and then.

Don't worry, you aren't "bugging" them. They wouldn't be on your list if they didn't want to hear from you. And those who get offended because you "dare" send them a sales pitch are never going to give you money anyway. Be glad if they unsubscribe from your list and get out of your life.

Try it yourself and see. If your customers haven't gotten an ad from you in a while, draft a simple offer (doesn't have to be fancy or elaborate) and send it to your list.

You may just be pleasantly surprised by the results.

Michael Senoff is a sought-after Internet marketer, interviewer and business coach with more than 50,000 students on four continents. For a limited time he is giving away free over 120 hours of in-depth audio interviews with some of the richest and most successful marketers, copywriters and business experts in the world at his famous website http://hardtofindseminars.com

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Internet Marketing - Beware of the Deadly Song of the Sirens

Remember back in grade school when you were being taught Greek Mythology?One of the stories I remember well was that of Odysseus and the deadly song of the Sirens.The tale went that any man who heard the song of the sirens, could not resist heading towards the hypnotic voices of their mystical voices.If the passionate men followed their hearts, they inevitably ended up shipwrecked and dead on the coral reefs that the Sirens were attempting to kill them on.

Odysseus had been warned of the deadly, captivating songs of the sirens and instructed all of his men to put beeswax in their ears so as not to hear the enchanted singing.He then ordered his men to tie him to the mast and not untie it for any reason while their ship tread through the dangerous waters of the Sirens for fear that he would hurl himself overboard and swim towards them.

Sure enough the sirens began their hauntingly beautiful and enchanted signing.Odysseus heart longed to be close to these beautiful sirens.He begged and pleaded with his men to untie the ropes so that he could get close to these wonderful beings.True to their orders, Odysseus's men paid no attention to him until the danger was long past.


What does that story have to do with Internet Marketing you might wonder?Actually it has an important lesson that will save you valuable time, money and possibly financial ruin.As it turns out, there is a similar song that is sung by 'Internet Gurus.'

These songs are so enchanting that they touch upon fundamental urges a person has.A desire for more money, a desire for fulfillment, a desire for recognition, fear of loss,and a desire for success.Many of have been lured by these captivating songs that come in the form of squeeze pages, long page websites and 'friendly' little emails that happen to mention some unbelievable new offer that their fellow guru has just released.You know the kind of messages I'm talking about.If you haven't heard them and you continue to learn more about Internet Marketing...rest assured you will.

The songs of the Gurus tempt you with secret knowledge, powerful software, exclusive memberships and lots of money, homes, tropical vacations, exotic cars and more.If listened to over and over again, these songs can lead you to financial ruin.


The question then is, what is the proverbial beeswax that can be placed in your ears so that you do not succumb to every magical offering?

First it's true that you will need certainamount of instructionto learn your craft.Doctors and Lawyers have to go to school to become a professional and there is a certain level of education that is required to be successful on the Internet.

The trick is to be very selective in what you choose to purchase.More importantly, once you've acquired a quality course, take the time to learn it inside and out.Next stick to the fundamentals of Internet Marketingwhich include Blogging, Affiliate Marketing, E-commerce, AdSense, AdWords, Search Engine Optimizationand basic HTML code.A good quality course can teach you all or most of these things without it breaking the bank.

Another protective measure is by registering any product you buy with a junk email account. If you use your primary email account, you will be inevitably deluged with the enticing lures of the Gurus songs. You typically don't check a junk email account nearly as often as your primary account.

Finally be very, very careful about what further expenses you decide to take on.Undoubtedly you will begin hearing the songs, luring you into a realm of fantasy where all your wildest dreams will come true if only you buy their product.If you listen to each of those songs...and purchase...you will soon be bankrupt.

Heed well this tale of the Internet Seas my fellow adventurer.The songs will raise their emotional call, and the unprepared will surely find their ruin.

Internet Marketing Com is a website devoted to quality products that teach the fundamental basics of Internet Marketing. Each of our products is backed by a 60 day, unconditional Money Back guarantee to insure you receive only the best instruction on Internet Marketing available today.

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